Whether it is a personal or professional blog, it is not necessarily easy to create traffic from the beginning. That’s why we propose you this article to help you to put forward your work.
Why create a blog?
No matter if you are an amateur or a professional, the blog allows you to promote yourself in a field you know and brings an image of seriousness and confidence, especially if you are a professional. Blogs in general allow you to create a loyal following of Internet users interested in the same subjects as you. By regularly publishing articles or posts, you will have more chances to be recognized and appreciated by a community.
For professionals, the blog becomes a tool to develop interactivity on your site. You can either write posts on topics related to the products you sell, or you can let your users speak by inviting them to write one or more posts. The posts also allow users to leave positive or negative comments and thus create a space for debate that everyone will appreciate.
So how do you make your blog successful in 7 steps?
It sounds simple, but it’s not enough to publish a few articles from time to time to become a pro and gather a community.

1: Publish articles regularly.
You’ll need to publish articles on a regular basis for at least the first year of your blog’s existence. People like to be able to find new articles to read on a regular basis. We consider that one article per week is a good ratio for the beginning. Depending on the traffic afterwards, you can adjust the pace. If you don’t have time to write every day or several times a week, don’t hesitate to take one day in the week to write several articles in advance and schedule them at the desired date later. This makes it easier for you to get organized.
2: Stay consistent in your editorial line.
It is not enough to be regular, you must also remain consistent in your editorial line. If you talk about sports, stay on sports. Don’t try to go off in all directions or in areas that you don’t completely master. In the eyes of your readers and especially of search engines, you will not be credible. Keeping an editorial line allows you to keep the Internet users who are really interested in the subjects you deal with and thus to gain credibility.
It is also important to know what role you play when you write. Are you an expert? A journalist? Or simply an individual who shares experiences and opinions? Knowing your role allows you to give a particular tone to your articles and to guide you in the construction of your topics.
3: Listen to your audience
Once your first articles are published, it is important to listen to and observe the feedback of your readers. Do not hesitate to leave a place for comments and why not install a chat system to communicate directly with your readers. They will tell you if the topics are relevant or if you should talk about other things. Also think about offering them to subscribe to your blog so that they are quickly informed as soon as you put an article online. This will make your community stronger and more cohesive.
4: Focus on topics with high added value and treat them with care
Avoid topics that do not bring anything or that remain too vague. Try to go into details and propose current topics that are of great interest to Internet users. Keep in mind to offer help, support or advice to your community.
Also remember to treat your topics with care. You have to approach them in a way that they capture attention so that your users come back to read you often. Don’t waste interesting topics by treating them too lightly. Also avoid plagiarism or taking too much inspiration from other blogs. Let your pen do the talking and don’t hesitate to give details.
5: Share your content
In order for people to know that you exist, it is important to share your content. Don’t be shy! In the best case, it pleases and your traffic will increase and in the worst case you can learn from it and review your strategy. Choose your locations wisely. Think about creating a page for your blog on your social networks so that your community can meet somewhere and share your content. Also think about forums or other sites related to the topics you cover in order to increase your community and make you known by other bloggers.
6: Update your old articles
It is obvious that you should continually create new articles, but if you write about current topics, you should think about updating all your old articles. For example, if you write about travel, you may visit a country several times and your “good addresses” may change or you may write about different itineraries. Similarly, if you talk about science, studies are regularly published or updated, so think about updating your comments about these famous studies. This allows your more or less recent internet users to discover or rediscover an article and to bring even more traffic.
7: Understand the importance of SEO and keywords
Last but not least: SEO. Indeed, if you want to have a correct traffic on your blog and potentially monetize it, it is essential to have a good natural referencing. For this, you will have to choose your keywords carefully. They must be the basis of your article and always be linked. They must be numerous enough for Google’s algorithms to spot them and place you correctly in the search but also precise enough to allow interested internet users to come across your blog. We can only advise you to get the right information through small trainings or by reading on the internet articles explaining in detail how to manage your SEO. You should also know that Google Adwords Keyword can help you to find the right keywords to insert in your articles and thus obtain a better referencing.